Accredited Training Menu

Welcome to the Accredited Training Menu, here you can find the accredited training we have to offer, organised under different categories.
Select one of the categories below to reveal all the accredited training under that category.
2-Day Health Coaching Skills Programme for Social Prescribers
Supporting SPLWs to integrate a health coaching approach into their roles; developing skills, techniques and mindsets that enable high-quality conversations that deliver personalised, compassionate care.
Personalised Care and Support Planning Training and Facilitation
Supporting practitioners to modify care processes and create space for personalised, solution-focused conversations with people with long term conditions.
Social Prescribing Advanced Skills – 2 Day Course
Provides new and experienced Social Prescribing Link Workers with the knowledge and skills they need in supporting people to make a difference in their lives through personalised care.
Level 3 Qualification in Social Prescribing
The Level 3 Qualification in Social Prescribing was the UK’s first recognised qualification in social prescribing.
Practical 1½-day course to help Social Prescribers make an immediate and positive impact. Includes 12 months of 24/7 telephone support, on-demand mentoring, Peer Support Group.
(12 hrs reimbursable learning time)
ESTHER Ambassador Training
This enables participants to understand the ESTHER philosophy of care, always asking “What matters to you?”, joining a community of care professionals promoting Person-Centred Care.
ESTHER Improvement Coach Training
This teaches participants how to use quality improvement tools to ensure that the ESTHER philosophy of care is optimised in the delivery of their service.
LWWP 10 Footsteps Programme
Live Well with Pain Ten Footsteps Training 12 hour online progamme skills health practitioners to enable sustainable behaviour change in their self-management of pain.
Et Al Training – Motivational Interviewing Study Day
Delivering practical, interactive and most importantly memorable motivational Interviewing training. Commissioners return year after year as result of the great feedback and staff behaviour change.
Level 1 – Health coaching: Everyday Interactions
In our level 1 Personalised Care Institute accredited course, we use an empathy based approach to develop a wider culture of curiosity and questioning.
Level 2 – Health Coaching: Short Coaching Conversations
In our Level 2 course, we build on the knowledge attained in Level 1 course to support health coaches in having more detailed conversations with people.
Level 3 – Health coaching: In-depth coaching conversations
The course is 2 full days, delivered approximately 2 weeks apart, enabling the delegates to practise the skills and approaches learnt and reflect upon conversations.
Foundation Certificate in Health and Wellbeing Coaching (2-Day Programme)
Introduction to knowledge and practice of health coaching for all staff in health and care sectors. Practical and applicable to everyday aspects in all roles

2 day training in health coaching skills
KYOH’s 2-day training is aimed at anyone wanting to learn how to use coaching skills to support others to improve their health and wellbeing outcomes.
Level 3 Community Health and Wellbeing Worker Apprenticeship
This apprenticeship equips learners with the skills, knowledge and confidence to support individuals and their communities by promoting good health, addressing health inequalities and creating lasting change.