As the home of personalised care education, we seek to work with health and care organisations to provide quality-assured personalised care training for their workforce – resulting in better outcomes and experiences for both the workforce and patients.
We recently entered into such a partnership with Connect Health, a leading community services healthcare provider, after a successful pilot of embedding PCI eLearning training within the team at their Darlington MSK service led to a significant 11% improvement in the proportion of patients who would recommend the service to friends and family.
Connect Health’s partnership with the PCI means that all of its clinicians, including physios, doctors, counsellors, clinical psychologists, rehab therapists, nurses and occupational therapists, will complete five personalised care modules as part of their mandatory training. In addition, all non-clinical colleagues across the Connect Health group will carry out the Core Skills In Personalised Care module as an obligatory requirement. In total, around 900 staff will benefit from the training, which puts patients at the centre of decisions around their health and care.
Commenting on the partnership, Dr Emma Hyde, Clinical Director of the Personalised Care Institute, says:
“We’re delighted to be working in partnership with Connect Health to roll out our free quality-assured training to all of their workforce. Evidence shows that personalised care delivers better health outcomes and improved experiences for patients and healthcare professionals. It was really pleasing to see the excellent results in Connect Health’s pilot and that mirrors the brilliant feedback we have received from the 49,000+ healthcare professionals who have now completed our modules.”
Dr Graeme Wilkes, Chief Medical Officer at Connect Health, says:
“By working with the PCI, we are demonstrating our significant commitment to ensuring that every decision made puts the patient at the centre. For Personalised Care to truly work, simply attending a course is not enough. A combination of strong leadership, co-production and workforce engagement is needed, and by providing specific training for all of our workforce, and providing that leadership, we are well on the way to delivering outcomes that really matter to the people that we work with.”
Andrew Cuff, Head of MSK at Connect Health and a PCI Personalised Care Ambassador, adds:
“I am proud to be in a role where I can champion Personalised Care, making the case across Connect Health and the wider NHS, in order to encourage uptake of the PCI’s training resources and support.
“As an Ambassador, I’m committed to improving and sustaining the delivery of evidence informed, personalised, high-quality healthcare, with a reignited and structured focus on putting the patient at the heart of what we do. For all the Connect colleagues undergoing training in personalised care, this ethos will be embedded across all organisational functions.”
Interested in partnering with us to deliver personalised care education for your workforce? Get in touch with us here: