Social Prescribing Link Workers
Social prescribing Link Workers (SPLWs) are becoming an integral part of Multi-Disciplinary Teams in Primary Care Networks (PCNs). They assist in delivering non-medical care through referrals, working in partnership with other agencies, local authorities and community groups.
Link Workers take a holistic view of people’s health and wellbeing to connect them with partners, services, community groups and local voluntary organisations. They can encourage people to join these community groups or take part in other local activities that allow them to find a sense of purpose and belonging, providing them with the opportunity to discover enjoyable new activities as part of their healthcare and wellbeing.
Particularly useful for people with one or more long-term conditions, people who need support with their mental health, who are lonely or isolated or who have complex social needs, Link Workers help people focus on what matters to them – giving them time to tell their stories, making strong relationships and connections in the process. The Link Worker’s role is to provide non-judgemental support that helps an individual identify goals and objectives for their healthcare whilst exploring potential barriers and obstacles. This helps people stay physically and mentally well for longer and to manage the long-term conditions they might be living with.