Accredited Training Menu

Welcome to the Accredited Training Menu, here you can find the accredited training we have to offer, organised under different categories.
Select one of the categories below to reveal all the accredited training under that category.
2-day Health Coaching Core Skills Programme
Delivered by clinically experienced coaches: a practical, experiential programme that enables the integration of health coaching skills, techniques and mindsets into your role. Specialisms available.Â
4 Day Accredited Skills in Health Coaching
Delivered by clinically experienced coaches: an industry accredited health coaching programme that extends practical skills and covers Levels 1-3 of the PCI Health Coaching Curriculum
Applied Motivational Interviewing for teams
Applied Motivational Interviewing for Teams enables health and care professionals to gain an understanding of motivational interviewing techniques and apply them to their own clinical practice.
4-day Advanced Personalised Care and Support Planning Training
For anyone in health, care, social and voluntary sectors it’s highly practical to support effective personalised care and support planning, and system integration and transformation.
Et Al Training – Motivational Interviewing Study Day
Delivering practical, interactive and most importantly memorable motivational Interviewing training. Commissioners return year after year as result of the great feedback and staff behaviour change.
Buckinghamshire HSCA Coaching – helping people help themselves
Our 4-day level 4 course equips individuals with a fantastic toolbox of coaching skills that empower individuals to become more active participants in their health and wellbeing.
Better Conversations: Health Coaching Skills
As behaviour change specialists and coaches, ICE offer a 5 half-day virtual or 2-day face-to-face Better Conversations Coaching skills training.
BTEC Level 4 Diploma in Professional Nutrition and Health Coaching
This globally recognised vocational qualification offers practical, hands-on learning, engaging case study work, and interactive experiences with real clients. Flexible, online learning, Personal mentor support.Â
NLP and Coaching Practitioner Programme
NLP Health Coach – combining NLP and Health and Well-Being training to accelerate coaching results. Dual certification. Fully certified virtual and in the room training options
Care Coordinator Plus – 2 Day Care Coordination Course
Practical 2-day course to help Care Coordinators make an immediate and positive impact. Includes 12 months of 24/7 telephone support, on-demand mentoring, Peer Support Group.
(19 hrs reimbursable learning time)
4-day Personalised Care in Practice – Comprehensive Health Coaching
Our four-day programme provides practitioners with the knowledge and practical skills to empower patients/clients to build their self-belief and motivation and to make sustainable lifestyle changes for improved health and wellbeing.
Practical 1½-day course to help Social Prescribers make an immediate and positive impact. Includes 12 months of 24/7 telephone support, on-demand mentoring, Peer Support Group.
(12 hrs reimbursable learning time)
Personalised Care by Design
Personalised Care by Design will support teams to embed Personalised Care within their service, identifying challenges in implementing Personalised Care and support to undertake an improvement project.
Applied Shared Decision Making for teams
Our Applied Shared Decision Making for Teams programme will support participants to understand shared decision making (SDM) and the need for change in current practice.
Intermediate Certificate in Health and Wellbeing Coaching (4-day Programme)
Our full gold standard training for those working in coaching roles in the NHS and beyond, to level 3 of PC health coaching curriculum.
Coaching Certificate for Health Professionals
On this 12-week part-time Coaching course (Level 5), you will develop a strong coaching skill-set through weekly group mentoring and a rich calendar of live events.
4-Day Health and Wellbeing Coach TrainingÂ
Support individuals in setting personalised goals, increasing motivation and empowering behaviour change. Our accredited training gives you the skills, tools and confidence to start immediately.Â
Level 3 Qualification in Social Prescribing
The Level 3 Qualification in Social Prescribing was the UK’s first recognised qualification in social prescribing.