PCI Resources Menu

Welcome to the PCI Resources Menu, here you can find a collection of all the learning materials we have on the platform, gathered into one convenient place.

Select one of the categories below to reveal all the learning materials under that category. Select one of the blue tags to visit that page on the site.

Resource Category Key:

Healthy Weight Coach

Authors / Organisation: HEE/NHS England

Health coaching: advancing your capabilities

Authors / Organisation: PCI

Healthy Weight Coaches

Authors / Organisation: PCI

2-Day Tailored Health Coaching for Health and Social Care Professionals

Authors / Organisation: Peak Health Coaching

Health Coaching Advance Skills

Authors / Organisation: ARC Training Academy

Health Coaching and Supported Self-Management

Authors / Organisation: HN Company

2-day ‘Workforce Training’ for Link Workers, Care Coordinators and other Health, Social and Community Care workers

Authors / Organisation: Know your own Health

4-day Training for ‘Health & Wellbeing Coaches’

Authors / Organisation: Know your own Health

2-Day PCI Accredited Skills Training for coaches working with children, young people and families

Authors / Organisation: EHCAP

Online Social Presciber Plus programme

Authors / Organisation: DNA Insight

Health Coaching: implementation and Quality Summary Guide

Authors / Organisation: NHS England

Tools to implement supported self-management

Authors / Organisation: NHS England

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