PCI Resources Menu

Welcome to the PCI Resources Menu, here you can find a collection of all the learning materials we have on the platform, gathered into one convenient place.

Select one of the categories below to reveal all the learning materials under that category. Select one of the blue tags to visit that page on the site.

Resource Category Key:

Advance Care Coordinator

Authors / Organisation: ARC Training Academy

Maternity Videos

Authors / Organisation: PCI

Health literacy skills to support SDM

Authors / Organisation: PCI

Person Centred Care Toolkit

Authors / Organisation: RCGP

Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:

Primary Care Version
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre.

Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:

Opthamology version
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre.

Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:

Plastic surgery version
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre.

Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:

Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre.

Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:

Cancer genetics version
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre.

Explain my procedure

Authors / Organisation: Explain my procedure

Planning ahead

Authors / Organisation: Hospice UK

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