Webinars and Podcasts

Upcoming webinars

Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with expert-led sessions on critical topics:

Major Conditions Webinars:

Primary Care Webinars:

These webinars can be booked individually (live attendance only) by visiting RCGP Courses and Events or alternatively, they are available to book and watch on demand with your PCI Plus subscription.

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PCI Plus Webinars

Webinars and Podcasts Archive

Adding value to RA/JIA pathways in the UK

In the post pandemic NHS Recovery, the Rheumatology workforce is struggling to meet demand due to workforce capacity, and dealing with backlogs in many areas, it’s critical that people with RA and JIA have access to high quality SSM services and resources, especially with the introduction of patient-initiated follow-up where patients will go longer between appointments without seeing their team.

PCI Conference 2023

Join us for our upcoming, free, virtual conference, ‘Tackling Health inequalities: The Role of Personalised Care’ – featuring Professor Bola Owolabi, Director of Health Inequalities at NHS England, as the keynote speaker. This event will bring together a range of healthcare experts to explore the pivotal role that personalised care can play in helping to tackle the major health inequalities that exist today.

AHP Role in personalised care and nature based social prescribing

Increase awareness of the AHP role in personalised care and nature based social prescribing. AHP may work with link workers and need to know how to work with them to achieve the best outcome for individuals/patients.

How students can promote and implement personalised care approches

All too often, students feel like they cannot make a change to practice because they are ‘just students.’ However they are an, ever increasing, integral part of the health care team and have regular interactions with patients and their carers/family member alike.

How to maximise the use of non-clinical ARRS workforce in general practice

How the 3 personalised care roles (Social Prescribing Link Worker, Care Coordinator and Health & Wellbeing Coach) can support better clinical outcomes in general practice. We will also cover support and training standards and a practical example of how an ICS can support this growing workforce.

Shared decision making with the PCI’s virtual patients 

Gain an understanding of what Virtual Patient technology is, the different Virtual Patient scenarios that the PCI has available and an interactive demonstration of the tools. This session will require attendee participation to steer us through the consultation(s) to understand how to use Shared Decision Making techniques in a 10 minute consultation.

Understanding the barriers and solutions to personalised care

We will hear from Coalition for Personalised Care (C4PC) Lived Experience Lead – Katie Clarke-Day and we will also be joined by C4PC Partners, National Voices, South Asian Health Action (SAHA) and McIntyre who will give good practice examples of how they have overcome the barriers to accessing PC within health.

SDM – Working towards a common international understanding of what works

Issues such as treatment regret, unnecessary operations, poor treatment concordance can all be traced back to a lack of shared decision making. SDM also as a key gateway into not only clinical interventions but also self-management and lifestyle moderation and addressing issues such as low health literacy.

Long Covid – where are we now?

Over 2 million people in the UK are living with Long Covid. These people are attending health and social care services asking for help.

Common issues that arise when coaching children, young people and families

Increase awareness of the biology of stress and increase understanding of what we mean by responsive relationships and why responsive relationships are so important for health and wellbeing.

Hearing and helping with narratives of pain

Explore how the ‘Conversations Inviting Change’ approach can be used in clinical encounters to support people living with pain

Personalised Care and Support Planning

Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP) is one of the six core components of personalised care, and in our upcoming webinar with Year of Care Partnerships we’ll explore the key principles of this approach and how it can be applied in practice.

MECC – supporting the physical health of people with severe mental illness

Raining awareness of the ‘mortality gap’ for people with SMI and suggest how increased risk of physical health problems can be identified and how we can support people to reduce this risk.

Healthy Weight Coaches

Aimed at staff and their managers interested in supporting people living with overweight or obesity to help them to make positive changes to their health and health behaviours with the aim of promoting a healthier weight.

Decision Support Tools

Demonstration of what Decision Support Tools are and how we can use them in practice. We will explore the evidence base behind them and hear from clinicians and patients who have used them to support decision making.

An Introduction to Social Prescribing

This 90-minute session will be useful to anyone who wishes to know more about social prescribing, such as: those working in the community and voluntary sector; those delivering community-based activity (including the cultural, green and physical activity sectors); local authority employees; community volunteers; those in the clinical workforce who are new to social prescribing.

Health coaching: advancing your capabilities

With the growing interest in the use of a coaching approach in health and social care conversations, this webinar will support you to explore some of the key principles in coaching that can be used to deepen your coaching skills and enhance your effectiveness in the provision of coaching.

Shared decision making masterclass

This highly interactive Personalised Care Institute Masterclass brings together UK expertise in shared decision making and state of the art training resources to support healthcare professionals to develop their skills and update on important new developments such as the GMC guidance on Decision making and consent and NICE guidance on shared decision making.

Health Literacy and SDM

Aimed at clinicians to raise awareness of how prevalent lower levels of health literacy are and the impact this can have on health inequalities and clinical outcomes. The webinar will also look at the range of tools, techniques and resources that can support clinicians when having SDM conversations with their patients where low health literacy could otherwise impact on the SDM process.

Want to view a collection of all our online digital resources? We have collected them into an extensive list. 

Select the button below to visit our PCI Resources Menu.

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